Imagine being eleven years old with this voice. Not sounding like your classmates. Knowing something was a little different. Move forward to 18. Sexy and Sultry didn’t really work well in Corporate America. I began to fight hard to make my voice fit in and sound like everyone else’s. At that time “Lady J” had not been truly born. Born and raised in the great city of Detroit, MI the city of voices, Motown! Yet I wasn’t a singer. How could I make my voice heard? In 2012 my life started on a wonderful course. My beautiful sister Janeen aka The Host with the Most encouraged me to be open minded and trust that Raleigh would be a great change. I packed my then Plymouth Neon and headed to Raleigh, NC in search of a new beginning for my daughter and I. Who would have ever imagined that a big city girl would have to move down south to start her journey toward her purpose! This is my story. Lady J “The Smooth Operator” is the host of Oak 93.5’s The Chill Zone as well as a Stand up Comic, who takes pride in her “clean comedy” on stage style. This has opened many doors. Lady J is a part of 2 comedy teams, The Ladies of the 80’s and Laughing with Purpose. She has been featured several times in Virtue Today Magazine‘s online edition as an up and coming comedienne. Finally the Sultry and sexy voice has found a home and no longer has to be disguised to fit in. The All Eyes on Me DJ crew has welcomed me into the family and I look forward to many years of great memories and love.